Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The Holiness of God refers to His absolute moral purity. He can neither sin nor tolerate sin. God is absolutely perfect in righteousness, and in Him is not the slightest degree of imperfection or impurity. The root meaning of the word holyis “separated.” It means to withdraw from what is common or unclean and be consecrated to what is sacred and pure. In what sense is God separated? He is perfect; humans are imperfect. God is divine; humans are not. He is morally perfect, humans are sinful. As applied to God, the term holiness signifies His separation from and transcendence over all His creation.

Holiness is the attribute that God would have us remember about Him more than any other. The visions that God gave to Job, Moses, and Isaiah show this very definitely. Thirty times the prophet Isaiah spoke of God as the “Holy One.” It is because of this attribute that God cannot have fellowship with sinners. God hates sin; to Him it is vile and detestable. There is an infinite distance between the sinner and God because of sin. The sinner and God are at opposite poles of the moral universe. Herein lies the need of atonement, which bridges this awful distance. Only God is truly holy within Himself. He is the only source of absolute perfection and true holiness. Since there is only one God, there can only be one source of the sacred and divine.

"We believe that in order to escape the judgments of God and to have the hope of enjoying the glory of life eternal, one must be thoroughly SAVED from their sins, wholly sanctified unto God and field with the Holy Ghost. And that a wholly sanctified life is the only true standard of a Christian life, Heb.12:14;1Pet.1:15-17." 

Quote taken from....

(The Teachings Of The Apostolic Church According To The Bible) ~Bishop Garfield Thomas Haywood~