Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Sign Of His Coming And Of The End Of The World

(As taught by Bishop R.P. Paddock)

Before this time the Bible was not divided into chapter and verse. These divisions were added for our convenience however they were not always made at the appropriate places. Chapters 24 and 25 of the Gospel according to Matthew should be one chapter. Because of this there are some difficulties in understanding these two chapters.

First of all the Bible is not written in direct order and you do not read the Bible like you read a novel.

Isaiah 28:13;
"But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken."

Until you get all the little bits together you do not have the truth of God's Word. The Bible is the Truth only when it is rightly divided and it takes the baptism of the Holy Ghost the leading of the Spirit of God to get all of those precepts together, all of those lines together so that you will understand.

Now as you go back to Matthew 24 you will find that Jesus had been with his Disciples in the Temple.

The questions the disciples asked:

Matthew 24:3;

"And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"

The disciples asked three questions,

(1). When shall these things be?

(2). What shall be the sign of thy coming,

(3). And of the end of the world.

But Jesus answered four because the coming of The Lord is in two parts, the Rapture (when Jesus comes for His Church before the tribulation) and the Second coming (when Jesus comes with His Church). But he did not answer them in direct order. As you read Matthew chapters 24 and 25 you will find the answers to these questions but unless you have the leading of the Holy Ghost you'll put the right answer to the wrong question.

Question number three (3). "And of the end of the world"

Question number one (1). When shall these things be?
The destruction of the Temple. (15-22) also Mark 13:14

Question number two (2). And what shall be the sign of thy coming,

number two (a). Rapture (23-28;36-44; Isa. 40:28-31)
number two (b). Second Coming (29-35)

The Church Age (45-51)

Matthew Chapter 25 Question number two (A) (1-13)
The Church Age (14-18)
The Great White Throne Judgment (19-46)

A parable is a story that is told to make a point. What you should get from the parable is the point. Now the point of this parable is when the bridegroom comes those that are ready will go in with him and the door will be shut. Now the Bible was not written in the English language The Old Testament was mainly written in the Hebrew and New Testament in the Greek but one that was in latin. The Bible was translated to the English language but the command of King James of England, he had 50 of the best translators of that day.

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