Sunday, May 20, 2018


What makes a person a dispensationalist?

Some have consciously or unconsciously supposed that dispensationalism is only an outline or a chart of the events of the future. Although this is true, dispensationalism is a theology made up from a system of literal interpretation. What we see on a Biblical chart should be the result of inductive exegesis including its eschatology.

What makes a person a dispensationalist?

(1). A dispensationalist keeps Israel and the church distinct.

A dispensationalist believes that throughout mans day God is pursuing two distinct purposes: one related to the earth with the earthly seed and earthly objectives involved which is Israel; while the other is related to heaven with the heavenly seed and heavenly objectives involved, which is the Church. 

(2). The distinction between Israel and the church comes out of a system of hermeneutics that is usually called literal interpretation. Therefore, the second aspect of identifying a dispensationalist is the matter of historical-grammatical hermeneutics. 

(3). The purpose of God in all His dealings with mankind is that of glorifying Himself through the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is God of all.

This is the foundation for true dispensationalism without this everything else crumbles.

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